Thursday, June 9, 2011


These are my aspirations, not yet prioritized.

As a Wife-
I will have to house cleaned for my husband when he comes home and to maintain its cleanliness while he is home.  I will not talk to him like one of the children that I spend all day and night with, instead I will remember to use my adult language and mannerisms.  I will cook all meals for him or with him.  I will call him at least twice a day while he is working out of town just to tell him I love and appreciate him. 

As a Mother-
I will wake up in the morning with my children and make them a healthy breakfast, not just cereal.  I will be more diligent in creating and maintaining personal hygiene routines with my children.  I will create a commissions chart for my children's chores, differentiating between chores they must do without pay because they live in this house, and chores they can be paid for because they are doing more than the minimum required.  I will read my children a book and the scriptures every night before bed.  I will be more constant in our family prayers and encourage personal prayer.  We will go to church and be on time every Sunday. Saturday evenings we will have a Family Night to teach our children of Christ and His gospel in our home.  I will strive to understand the personal needs of each of my children individually. 

As a Homemaker-
I will have the kitchen cleaned every night before retiring to my bed.  I will do at least one load of laundry each day so that it will not become piled up and difficult to deal with.  I will vacuum the house at least once a week, or as often as necessary.  I will plan out meals a week in advance to ensure I will always have the ingredients available.  I will bake more often and have healthier foods served at my table. 

As an Educator-
I will begin schoolwork studies with my children shortly after breakfast and ensure all subjects are understood.  I will pre-plan all lessons to ensure quality, creativity and fun in their learning.  I will help my children discover which extra-curricular activities they wish to pursue.  We will go on field trips whenever possible to introduce them to the application of education in the world around them.

As an Artist-
I will spend at least thirty minutes drawing every day.  I will save money to be able to purchase a tablet to begin learning to draw on the computer.

As a Seamstress-
I will sew all of my clothing and all of my girl's dresses.

As an Entrepreneur-
I will write down all business ideas that I have, but only act on the ones that I love, and let the ones that I like rest aside for now.

I am sure this list isn't totally complete, but it is a start. 

May peace fill your soul.



  1. This is such a great idea. I need to make an aspiration list. :)

  2. I agree with writing down your business ideas, regardless of using them or not. It's good exercise for the brain!
